The Frustration When the Talent Won’t Listen

Funny video: What it’s like from the producer’s standpoint when the “talent” won’t listen:

Accent Girl!

Meet accent girl

How To Spot a VO Amateur

10 ways to spot a voice-over amateur (don’t let this be you!)

Recommended Reading

Reading: VO: Tales and Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor’ by Harlan Hogan

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Learn to Speak American

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Learn To Speak ‘American

Scott Jorgenson Yucks It Up

Super fun VO gig for Scott Jorgenson: (Click on ’em all.)

Beth Chaplin: The Acting Biz

Awesome book about Voiceover/acting– esp, how to earn a living at it in the Twin Cities. Beth Chaplin: The Acting Biz.

GPS-The Guiding Voice

Nice work if you can get it:

How Not To Tawk Like a New Yorker

‎”Jeet chet?” Fascinating article about losing an accent

Is This Voiceover?

Didn’t KNOW they were doing voiceover when they were doing it. :)Art From Analog: 20 Years Of Voice Mail Makes A Movie