Two VO Pros Share What It’s Like


How Family Guy is Made


A behind the scene look at how Family Guy is made. Looks like a lot of hard work goes into it.

VO Talent’s perspective on being directed

Great article for talent and producers alike:

Scott Jorgenson’s Dorito’s Superbowl ad

The multi-talented Scott Jorgenson crunchin’ up a storm in this contest ad.

The Santa Sessions

Re-posting in case you missed it last week: The Santa Sessions:

Orson Welles Outtakes, Repurposed

As promised for today’s Voiceover Professional Development Class: Orson Welles doing VO and getting fed up with his director. It’s helpful to know that he is matching his voice to the already edited video:

Kevin Vandenburg provided this link, to “Pinky and the Brain.” Same audio, repurposed.


How GPS VO’s work

Slate explains how GPS voiceover recording is done:

Big Stars Doing VO

Who’s That Voice? Big Stars Voice Big Ads:

Darth Vader’s Voice Before VO

Darth Vader’s Voice Before Voice Over

The Man Who’s Been in Every Pixar Film

Voiceover: How to do cartoon voices by the man who has been in *every* Pixar film [Time Magazine]: