Who does all the voiceovers on the Simpsons? Infographic:

Who does all the voiceovers on the Simpsons? Infographic: http://i.imgur.com/K0yRt.jpg

Amazing map of American English Dialect

Scott Jorgenson is The Human Doing

Voiceover, actor, and terrific VO coach Scott Jorgenson in an amazing project.

Gilbert Gottfried loses Aflac Gig

Voiceover fired for insensitivity:


Randy Thomas, Queen of the Promo!

Great interview with a very successful VO talent:


Charles Hubbell scores more film work

VERY cool voiceover gig for one of our incredible Professional Development coaches, Charles Hubbell:


Having a Successful VO Career

Fascinating article on having a successful career in VO


Being a Pro VO

Nice video on being a Pro:

Ross Young, Working Through the Holidays

Very pleased to have Ross Young coach tomorrow’s Voiceover Professional Development class!

Tom Selleck–Prescient Ads?

Tom Selleck voiced these AT&T Ads in the ’90’s. Amazing (and accurate?) prediction of the future?
